Chapter Twelve. Outnumbered
12.1 Calculated risks
There are several good reasons why you may want to leave a situation on the board, and play away. In the realm of tactics, you may wish to ignore a ko threat, or ladder-breaker. That is, you expect a greater advantage by playing elsewhere. There can also be good strategic reasons. Opening strategies from hundreds of years ago showed both players ignoring the plays of the other. In fact the vast development of corner opening theory has probably adversely affected amateur play, in the particular way that players are reluctant to ignore the other’s moves. This can result in the failing of following the opponent round the board.
Naturally it is much easier to employ the strategy of leaving situations unfinished, if one can calculate in advance the risks involved.
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When Black ignores White 1, White normally plays next at 3. Then Black can slip out of the corner at 4, to establish a group on the side with 6. The Black corner stone may still be useful. White has another option for attack, namely to play 3 at A. However Black at B is a normal answer (cf. 3.5L) and Black will survive unless White is very strong locally.
12.2 Ignoring a one-point pincer
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The examples in this section have a common theme: the consequences of ignoring a one-point pincer. (Left) White can live by wedging in at 2. White at 8 is correct; playing at A lives as well, but after Black B the cutting point at C becomes unimportant. (Right) White 4 threatens both A and B.
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White should avoid ignoring the high pincer. Black becomes very thick. This sort of exchange early in the game will make fighting hard for White.
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In the case of a high approach, it is the low pincer that most needs an answer. (Left) Black does well with 1, since White can’t prevent connection. White plays the bulge point 2, then waits for a moment to play at A. (Right) Another way for Black to play, leaving the White stones rather heavy.
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When the pincer stone is on the fourth line, White can ignore another play (left), and then seek life in the corner with 4 and 6. This is an example of sabaki (Chapter 15) (Right) Black 1 here is a bad idea. White’s ponnuki capture with 6 makes resilient shape.
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The one point pincer after the 4-4 point is frequent in modern professional go. (Left) The usual continuation is based on 5.3. The 3-3 invasion (right) is another simple way to answer Black 1. Black becomes thick, but in gote; Black 9 could be at 10 also.
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When White has played the slide into the corner and then ignored the pincer, the odd diagonal 2 is the way to make shape after Black 1. Both of these variations are reasonable for White, in the local position. (Right) Black 7 at 8 would be passive, and White would make good shape easily using the threat of A.
12.3 Around enclosures
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It is inevitable to feel some local disadvantage in playing near a well-fortified enclosure. These examples are about building viable shape. The contact play White 2 is a good defensive resource. Black 3 in the righthand diagram is a little passive. White 6 and 8 are light.
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(Left) If Black plays 3 as hane on top, White can resort to a ko. (Right) Another passive reply by Black. White jumps out, aiming at A and B.
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When Black replies at 5 here, White 6 is good. Black 7 and White 8 in the left-hand diagram are natural; White retains some hope of playing later at A. White is happy to be jumping ahead out into the centre. (Right) This immediate cut by Black is a big failure.
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This page looks at direct, frontal approaches to other enclosures. In this case White 3 is a vital point to make shape (outside, cf.10.3; White can also play at A for life in the corner, depending on the overall position.) White can be satisfied with the good shape built in the right-hand diagram.
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With the two-point enclosure, White can take immediate action with 3 and 5. White will live, though Black becomes thick.
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In the case of the one-point enclosure, White 1 isn’t a good idea. White 3 at the 3-3 point looks interesting, but White shouldn’t expect a good result. Black can secure the corner, and take sente to deal with the left side. Comparing with the two-point enclosure variation just given, White has done poorly. In any case, White must be acutely aware of the key points of the particular enclosure in planning a defence.
12.4 Two plays against the star point
The normal reasons for the appearance of these shapes would be ko threats or ladder-breakers ignored.
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After 1 and 3, Black can make shape by playing to preserve symmetry at 4. Then White simply connects with 5. The point is that neither atari play at A or B is very good. Black takes advantage of this by sliding out to 6.
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If White does play atari we can expect a result like in the left-hand diagram. White hasn’t made the most of this position. If Black had descended (right) White would develop in a similar way, but with much more influence.
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That means also that White 3 here is questionable. Black can answer with 4. White A, Black B returns us to a previous variation. But White B, Black A is a tough fight, when White wants a clear advantage.